How to Increase Your Profits by Offering A Range of Different Upsells
Looking for a way to capitalize on the value each customer is worth to you? An easy way to do this is by offering different upsells. Upselling is offering a complimentary or upgraded version of a product/service that a customer is currently purchasing. One of the most well known upsells can be heard when you […]
How to Use a Sense of Urgency to Increase Your Sales: Offering a Limited Time Deal
A sense of urgency can be a great motivator, both in encouraging a sale and in life. To use urgency in business, look at offering limited time deals, especially ones that don’t last more than a few days tops. And if you have an e-mail list, mail them a lot more on the final day […]
How to Go From Having Customers Balking at Your Price to Being Ready to Buy – the Power of the Word “Only”
How items are described and the words we use to frame situations can have a big impact on how we then think about a scenario. Just as saying, “I cut my finger, but there’s only a little blood” versus, “I cut my finger and there’s blood everywhere,” paint two very different pictures, the words you […]
How to Create Repeat Customers Using Future-Use Coupons
How can you encourage customers to make their second, third, and fourth purchase with you? How can you entice them to keep coming back and buying from you, changing them from a once off customer to a regular? Future-use coupons are one great strategy to employ to incentivize customers to make that next buy. So […]
How To Unban Your Banned Facebook Advertising Account
There is nothing more frustrating than going to run a Facebook ad and seeing it disapproved or banned completely. Even worse is when Facebook deactivates your ads account as a whole. People experience this with their business and personal accounts all the time. It can be devastating, especially if you can’t get back online. Still, […]
A Unique Way to Increase Your Customers Spend Per Sale: The Value of Offering A Gift With Purchase
Offering a free gift, with a purchase over a certain amount (or just with any particular item), is a great way to encourage people to buy from you, but also to spend more per sale if they have to spend a certain limit. A great way to take this strategy a step further is to […]
How to create a better Facebook Ad?
An attractive and engaging Facebook ad is the result of a combination of effective strategies. No advertisement can be declared to be perfect as some ads work better than others due to various reasons. The competition in the Facebook ad market is becoming intense. More and more people are realizing the power of this social […]
How To Create A Better Funnel For Your Business?
Every entrepreneur is well familiar with the importance of marketing in today’s era of extreme competition. Marketing through various channels has become essential to make sure a business is able to thrive in the market. Without a proper marketing strategy, a company will not be able to gain new customers and expand their reach. Are […]
How to Drive Sales and Traffic to Your Business Using Social Media Influencers
Did you know that some big influencers out there online can literally drive millions of dollars in sales, with a single post on social media, or mention on a big blog? In fact, there’s even billion-dollar businesses that have gotten their start from single big influencers mentioning their products. And, surprisingly enough, it’s easier to […]
Why Businesses Need To Use Social Media?
In the past few years, social signals have become an essential part of a business’ website ranking. These trends have only increased as the use of social media has become highly popular around the world. A well-executed social media marketing strategy can greatly boost your business. Social media is essential for businesses to keep in […]