• How to Increase Your Prices and Boost Your Business’s Profits

    People often overlook this very simple, very easy way to increase their business’s profits: increase your prices. Most people tend to undercharge for their services, so try increasing your prices, as a test, and see what happens. Funnily enough, most people perceive something that is higher priced as being of higher quality, which can encourage […]

  • Why Does Everyone Lose Money on Facebook Advertising

    If you haven’t tried Facebook ads already and you know a lot of people who have, you probably don’t want to. They’re uncharted waters, and many before you have failed. At least once or twice, sometimes even from business professionals, you’ve probably heard plain and simple that Facebook ads don’t work. Everyone who tries just […]

  • The Marketing Tip To Boost Your Sales: Sending “We Haven’t Seen You In A While” Cards With An Incentive To Buy

    Most businesses tend to practically ignore their prospects and even their best clients. This is a horrible thing to do, as you’d be leaving a ton of money on the table in doing so. One thing that you can do to help remind your prospects and customers about you is to send either an e-mail […]

  • How Listening to Your Clients Wants and Needs Can Help You Land More Sales

    Business owners often do more talking than listening. When it comes to making sales, often it’s best to do more listening than talking. Instead of overthinking and brainstorming what your prospects might want, why not just ask them? You’d probably be surprised at how easy it can be to sell them what they’re already telling […]

  • How to Make More Money Without Having to Look for More Customers

    It’s often a lot easier to sell to your current customers than to get a new customer. They already like and trust you and know your product/service works. Tap into that opportunity by looking at what else you can sell to your customers that compliments what they bought previously. For example, if you have a […]

  • How to market to B2B Lead

    One of the most important things to understand is that leads are far more than just random people who might be interested in your business. A lead is someone who needs what your business has to offer. The only thing you should have to do is capture their attention and easily be able to convince […]

  • The Trick to Keep Your Customers Continuously Purchasing From You: The Benefits of A Loyalty Program

    It’s often way more effort and expense to find new customers than to sell again to your current customers. So how can you persuade your current customers to continuously purchase from you? One way is to put in place a loyalty program that keeps them coming back for more. A loyalty program is a great […]

  • How to Add Value to Your Customers and Make Money Doing It

    To take advantage of this marketing strategy, look at how you can bundle your service or products together to create a package deal. This can be a great way to move more products and services and add value to your customers. Customers feel they are getting a great deal, as they are paying less than […]

  • How Contests Can Be A Great Source of New Targeted Leads

    Contests can be a great way to grab more leads or prospects, get feedback or testimonials from existing customers, encourage participation or attendance on webinars, and more. And, it’s not like you have to give away a car or something crazy expensive. In fact, often times cheaper giveaways will help increase your conversions even more […]

  • How Taking Action Can Get You Leads

    Instead of waiting for leads to come to you, go to them! Many people just build an opt-in page or a squeeze page and wait for leads to sign-up or reach out to them – so instead of waiting for people to find your store and buy from you – actively go out and find […]