Monthly Archives: September 2024

How To Stop Car Repossessions:

Stopping a car repossession can be challenging, but there are several strategies you can take to prevent it if you’re behind on payments. Here’s how to handle the situation: 1. Communicate with Your Lender 2. Negotiate a Payment Plan 3. Refinance the Loan 4. Make a Partial Payment 5. Sell or Trade In the Car […]

Where You Affected By COVID In 2020 & 2021?

Self- Employed Tax Credit (SETC); Might Be Eligible For Up To $32,220 In Refunds; Get Funded In As Little As 15 Days. The SETC is a Specialized Tax Credit designed to provide support to self-employed individuals during the COVID-19 pandemic It acknowledges the unique challenges faced by those who work for themselves, especially during times […]